CBS Sunday Night At The Movies Theme Song – WROC News 8 Interview

News 8 WROC interviews Ferdinand Jay Smith and Chuck Brucato.

Air Date: June 5th 2020.


“That’s our music!” Ferdinand Smith exclaimed. The ‘our’ meant he and fellow Rochester native Chuck Brucato, longtime friends and musical collaborators. The music refers to an iconic opening theme of America’s long-lost CBS Sunday Night at the Movies, recently resurrected to great effect during film studio shutdowns. Created 41 years ago by the duo, news of the original theme’s resurgence came as a surprise to its authors. “We’re very excited about it being back on the air after all this time and having it reach new audiences.” Smith commented. Says Brucato, perhaps alluding to its staying power, “You know when it starts to play something special is about to happen.” Agreed.

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