Staying Relevant During Uncertain Times

In uncertain times, the default mode for many brands is to go silent. It seems like the safe play, but stagnancy is not the answer. A disappearing act might confuse — or worse, disappoint — your audience and you can lose precious brand equity. While the modes of expression and the objectives of the marketing will not be business as usual, brands shouldn’t stay on the sidelines for too long.

As thought-leaders and as entities that look to form and preserve loyal, long-lasting relationships it’s vital that brands stay connected with helpful, relevant information and ideas. Many companies, for example, are letting their customers know how they’re taking care of their employees during this time and how they’re addressing the importance of a sanitary work environment and safe customer interaction.

In light of these societal concerns over health, safety, and financial stability, brands must show good judgment. The purpose of messaging is not about driving near-term sales; rather, it’s about maintaining a meaningful long-term relationship. And don’t lose sleep over tactics. “The message is more important than the medium.”

Does your brand need help staying visible and connected? Contact us today!

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