Stay True to You
Unintended Pregnancy Campaign
Unintended pregnancy is a complex and challenging social issue. It requires clear answers, free of judgment or barriers, that educate, empower, and ultimately lead to positive changes in attitude and behavior about their reproductive health. Even a well-intentioned approach needs to walk a fine line when talking to young women about their reproductive health if it’s going to come across as genuine and real.
"The CDC identifies Unintended Pregnancy as one of the seven winnable battles that can significantly impact our national health. We were thrilled to jump at the chance to make a healthier Rochester."-Stacey Saracene, Causewave
“I saw a female teenager in a clinic who was asking about contraception at a checkup visit. She mentioned seeing a colorful flyer/billboard and asked about free birth control. I pulled up the Stay True to You website and was able to copy/paste locations that were feasible for her. She was incredibly grateful for the information and surprised that she had these free options. Thanks for doing such good work!
-URMC Pediatric Resident at Hoekelman Center
“Our hope is that this campaign will spark conversations among young women and their friends, families, and health care providers about all their birth control options and help them to make an informed choice about the option that’s right for them.”
-Jessica Coleman, Community Health Educator at Highland Family Planning
Getting the word out that women have more birth control options than they know – and they’re all free.

Campaign Strategy
Educate • Empower • Positively changing the attitudes & behaviors toward reproductive health
As a passionate and involved member of the Rochester community, Jay was proud to partner with Causewave on this not-for-profit mission. While the data demonstrated a staggering rate of unintended pregnancies among 14 – 29-year-olds in the City of Rochester, focus group research revealed a significant number of barriers to address around myths, misinformation, and the seeming lack of access to reproductive health choices.
For the creative to resonate, it needed to feel like it was coming from a trusted source. We wanted to distill the main idea to an empowering rallying cry of sorts — Stay True to You — and keep our approach simple, accessible, and, most of all, intriguing. In the end, the campaign theme, housed on the newly developed website — — and all other touchpoints, echoes a great deal of what young women are hearing from mentors and other women they respect. It’s a strong platform for health care professionals to use to engage and inform young women about their birth control options.
Strategic Media Mix
The strategic media mix ensured the campaign would reach its intended audience on relevant radio stations and social platforms — encouraging a more public and culturally acceptable discussion — as well as in the right neighborhoods through a series of arresting billboards. A discreet foldout brochure packed with a dozen birth control options was also made available.
Unique campaign extensions included chalk stencils sprayed onto sidewalks; popular merchandise and trendy notions, like sockets for smart phones; fashionable buttons; and temporary tattoos, all adorned with the campaign illustration and theme line.
Using a consistent theme, language, and tone throughout, all the tactics worked in concert to achieve the same objective: getting the word out that women have more birth control options than they know – and they’re all free.
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